Day Tripping: Nisqually Delta Wildlife Refuge
Map of the Delta
We have passed the delta many times on our travels and always commented how we need to go and walk through it. Well, the time finally came. School wasn't out for the summer yet so we would avoid crowds of kids, the temp was in the mid-70's and broken clouds. Unfortunately we started late and didn't take a lunch so we didn't have time to make it all the way to the end. Another trip is in order this fall.
The refuge has a nice nature trail at the start that runs through the forested area of sloughs and ponds along the creeks as they move towards the sound. A large part of the refuge used to be a family farm with a dike that is now used as a part of the path. There is a long boardwalk erected over the tide flats. There are viewing platforms at a few places along the walkway. During waterfowl season the path is closed along a long part of it for hunting. I wouldn't want to be out there with people and shotguns hammering away.
Anyway this is being posted late since we've already started our 2 month trip to Key West and back.
Now to start working on the past week's travels as we head to Key West.