Reading Clemens

This past Christmas I received Volumes 2 and 3 of Mark Twain’s Autobiography.  About 3 Christmases past I got Volume 1 from my brother.  This time Cathy and Rachel provided the follow-ups.   

I have read almost everything I can get my hands on written by Samuel Clemens and find his dictated autobiography a real joy to read.  His speaking is as interesting and lyrical as his writing.  Nearly half of the volume is explanatory notes and references.  This is a scholarly work and you miss much if you don’t read the notes.  

In the notes for his Autobiographical Dictation, 17 December, 1906 there is a note for page 317 regarding an unsigned editorial in the New York Sun concerning work that Clemens apparently penned.  Having finally left the daily grind to provide food, shelter, clothing and some enjoyment I find his position extremely refreshing. 

” Work for work’s sake is a superstition and a delusion.  The best that can be said for it is that it perpetuates a great mistake.  If it has become almost a law of the human race, why should anybody go into raptures over it?  Gravitation is a good deal more impressive and a universal law.  Does anybody feel called upon to thank GOD for gravitation when a brick hits him?”  SLC



New posting on 1/12/17

Yesterday afternoon while on the deck reading Vol 2 of the MTA I heard a murder of crows cawing and squawking overhead.  I looked out to the north over the roof and there was about 100 crows circling and making a hella racket.  Cath and I went out the front door to see what they were excited about and soon we found the reason.  Apparently a Peregrine falcon, we think that's what it was, was in the oak tree by our 2nd parking space.  It had landed lower in the tree and was camouflaged by the limbs and remaining brown leaves so we didn't see it till it moved, hopping from branch to branch, hiding from the crows.  We had binoculars out and our Field Guide to North American Birds to try and identify it.  I went back in, grabbed my camera and took some photos.  We may be mistaken but you be the judge.  It could have been a couple different raptors but, based on the beak, head coloring, tail striping and mottled breast we figured a Peregrine was the most likely.